Nebraska Kennel Club
Barn Hunt
Feb 13 - 14, 2016
The Nebraska Kennel Club sponsored a Barn Hunt sanctioned by the Barn Hunt Association on Feb 13 & 14, 2016. We had an excellent turnout and two very busy days. Congratulations and thanks to all who participated!
Below are links to photos from the event. Because of the large number of exhibitors, there are very many photos; to assist in trying to find a specific "hunt", each page has the time that the first and last photo on that page were taken.
Saturday, Feb 13 photos
Sunday, Feb 14 photos
A high-resolution version of each photo (suitable for printing) can be downloaded by clicking on the link underneath each photo.
If you are looking for Winners Photos click below:
Saturday Winners Photos
Sunday Winnners Photos
Feel free to contact me for any special photo requests: